The general term "games" includes table games such as chess and monopoly, card games such as poker and blackjack, casino games such as roulette and slot machines, military war games, computer games, various types of games among children, the list goes on.
In his excellent book, A Theory of Fun for Game Design, Ralph Küster defines a game to be an interactive experience that gives the player a growing streak.
Most 2D and 3D video games are examples of what computer scientists call an agent-based, real-time interactive computer simulation.
We probably all have a pretty good intuitive idea of what a game is. The general term "games" includes table games such as chess and monopoly, card games such as poker and blackjack, casino games such as roulette and slot machines, military war games, computer games, various types of games among children, the list goes on. In academia, we sometimes talk about game theory,