Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The good and the bad of gaming

The good and the bad of gaming

The good and the bad of gaming
The good and the bad of gaming

Gaming is perhaps of the greatest leisure activity and even professions on the planet. People play games for fun or to learn while others record videos about the games. In this article, I will focus more on gaming and not delve too much into how to make gaming videos. Gamers come in different ages, genders, religions, locations and sizes. Those who are gamers make their background gaming more fun.

Gamers' backgrounds can play a role in how people play. There are all kinds of combinations for different categories related to the type of game and the type of gamers. You really need to visit the game's website to get all the relevant information before buying.

There are numerous internet based stages where you can purchase games like Steam or Humble Pack. These sites will provide you company details, videos, images, user and non-user tags, reviews, websites, companies and their social accounts. Be aware that the game's website may not show you what you need to know. As a minimum, a gaming company should display a short sales pitch description, a small amount of photos (5 at best), one or two of their videos, and their social accounts. They will mostly provide an informative description, their social accounts, user reviews and videos by them.





Let's take a look at what is considered negative about gaming. Most negative comments about games come from real-life people in those games, the type of game, and the type of game for the wrong person. A game can be made bad but it is not always the case that the game itself is bad. It may be the wrong kind of game for the wrong person. This is where categories come in. Some games may contain some violence. It doesn't hurt; It's just the wrong kind of game for a seven-year-old. Or you bought a puzzle game for someone who likes action type games. So action lovers won't enjoy it, but it doesn't spoil the puzzle game!

Game types are endless from nudity, drugs and alcohol, horror, money gambling and more. This is wrong for a variety of young gamers as well as for those who don't like to see such things.

Like everything, gaming has its pros and cons. What matters is how good and how bad those aspects are. For example, some games have downsides with players who like to fight too much. This is common in sports. Understand that for many gamers this is not a big deal; However, it can be frustrating for those who are new to the game or even gaming in general. There are times when you want to avoid the downside all togetherThere are times when the great offsets the terrible.. If this happens and there is no problem with the game; So the downside is that a small fly in your house is no big deal. Warning: If the bad outweighs the good, I strongly recommend skipping that game.



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Another aspect that people will bother game developers or creators with is representation. By this I mean a lack of representation that is not limited to race, body type and messaging in sports. If you are able to customize your character, you will definitely have no problem with the presentation. Some sports have issues where they don't represent strong and smart women, minority women and men, big, small, tall and short women and menNotice how I didn't put "male" after female for solid? Because men are always presented as strong and smart in sports.

In sports where a man looks strong and smart, he will mostly be white, tall, thin, movie star looking and buff. You hardly like her as a minority, short, chubby, well read, though still strong and smart. You see it even less for women. Some women in sports are also fair, tall, thin and strong and look like yesterday's skin. You only see these women in MMORPG games (though massively multiplayer online role-playing games). RPG games are for fantasy worlds where you fight mostly humans and monsters. Of course women will have strong figures but they will not look strong.

In most games, when they add a character to your game, they always add a white male first, then a white female, then a black male, and then a black female. They don't even add people of mixed race. When it comes to black characters they only add shades of "black" or "African American" and not every black person on earth is that shade.

In games, most characters are in every case slight and tall. You don't really see characters short and thin, tall and chubby, short and chubby, etc. There are many people who are not thin and who are not tall

Then finally, there are emotional messages that go along with gender, race and body type. What do I mean by emotional message? Some games send an implicit message about the character being strong and smart or



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Why is gaming good and bad?

It is true that some studies have shown that certain video games can improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. But playing too many video games can cause problems. It's hard to get enough active play and exercise if you're always inside playing video games.

Is gaming positive or negative?

Studies have also shown that regular video gaming has positive effects on areas of the brain that control attention and visuospatial perception skills. Used in moderation, video games can help strengthen the brain's reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

Is play good or bad for students?

Video games can improve children's education, health and social skills. Both children and adults enjoy playing video games. There are studies that show there is a benefit to playing video games. There is also research that suggests video games can lead to sleep disturbances, media addiction, and violent behavior.




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