Wednesday, September 25, 2024



The National Standards for Science Education emphasize that "science education must provide students with three types of scientific skills and concepts.

Students must learn the principles and concepts of science, acquire the thinking and procedural skills of scientists, and understand the nature of science as a particular form of human endeavour.

The following sections of this article discuss children's participation in games in the age of technology, the types of games available on the market, and the impact of digital games as learning aids in the classroom.

The "Wikipedia problem," of children turning to the Internet for ready-made answers, is a new age phenomenon that confounds teachers and mentors worldwide. There are about the same number of educators who see technology as a solution as much as a problem. While the common belief is that technology inhibits students' ability to think and analyse, there is also strong support for the ability of video games and digital tools to engage students and enhance learning using more than one sensory stimulus. Despite the growing concern over the deterioration of students' interest periods, institutions are integrating them into the learning process in the classroom.

Children are curious creatures by nature. They are curious to discover new things and learn by discovering and experimenting, even before undergoing formal educational methods such as reading or writing. Science is the field of experiments and discoveries. The National Standards for Science Education emphasize that "science education must provide students with three types of scientific skills and concepts. Students must learn the principles and concepts of science, acquire the thinking and procedural skills of scientists, and understand the nature of science as a particular form of human endeavour. Students must therefore, be able to design and conduct investigations that test their ideas, and they must understand why these investigations are uniquely powerful. Studies show that students are more likely to understand concepts learned this way." Therefore, it becomes necessary to involve children in science education at an early stage.


Guide to building a gaming computer

Digital games are more able to capture the interest and interest of students than other traditional methods of imparting education in the classroom. However, some educators also consider them to be the cause of the accelerated decline in children's attention. The following sections of this article discuss children's participation in games in the age of technology, the types of games available on the market, and the impact of digital games as learning aids in the classroom.

Games and children new age

Digital technology has expanded the horizons of video games in the modern world. Children are exposed to a more complex and challenging technological environment than their peers for more than half a century. The involvement of children in digital games is the result of many important changes in the lifestyle and culture of modern society. Easy access to technology, disposable income due to dual income families and lack of infrastructure for outdoor activities in many cities are some of the biggest contributors to making screen games an important part of children's lives. A study by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) found that only 20 percent of census blocks are within half a mile of the block boundary. Moreover, the impact of peer pressure in these times of social networking cannot be undermined.

The digital gaming market is one of the fastest growing segments of the global entertainment industry. The United States is experiencing an unprecedented spread of digital gaming among young people. In the US, 97% of teenagers play some form of game on a regular basis. In India, the gaming market has grown diversified in the last few years. Thus, it is imperative that educators constantly consider the use of digital games as a teaching tool in the classroom. Institutions are also using innovative ways to leverage the digital advantage to improve the learning experience in schools.

What are digital games?

There is no specific definition of gambling as it can vary depending on a person's preference and profession. Game can be defined as "a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, determined by rules that produce a quantifiable result." Technology and digitization add new dimensions to gaming with simulation, interaction, augmented and alternative reality, collective intelligence and sensory stimuli such as sound and visual effects. Digital games also have unlimited portability and access.

Role-playing games, simulation games, and puzzle games are among the most popular digital games. In role-playing games, the player takes on the role of a certain character in a virtual world, moving from one level to another based on the result of the previous level. RPGs can be single-player such as Dungeons and Dragons from earlier gaming days or multiplayer games such as Diablo III, Xenoblade, Final Fantasy XIII-2 or Mass Effect 3. MMORPG or multiplayer online role-playing games is an extension of RPG , where a large number of players interact in a virtual world via the Internet. Simulation games create realistic situations in virtual worlds. 

The outcome will depend on the player's decision making and response and will be close to what would happen in the real world in the same situation. Widely used in training and analysis, simulation games are also known for their unexpected personal outcomes. Flight Simulator X, Live for Speed ​​(LFS), and Need for Speed ​​have been very popular simulation games for a long time. The puzzle type of digital games involves solving and analysing problems of varying degrees of difficulty depending on the nature of the game. Crossword puzzles and scavenger hunts are the primary forms of puzzles in both physical and digital forms.

All kinds of digital games include social sharing for players. Some require a collaborative effort to play, while others can be discussed or analysed socially. Although some games have been accused of violent visual effects, a well-designed game can speed up the thought process by stimulating, engaging, engaging creativity, and developing a metagame, that is. Inspired and enhanced social interactions in or out of the game. Incorporating digital games into the primary educational framework can increase children's competitiveness and multidimensional growth.

Digital games in science education - why and why not?

The twenty-first century requires mentors and students to integrate technology into the curriculum. Although the ultimate goal is to benefit students in terms of learning and experience, unsupervised, disorganized or irrelevant application can result in complete failure or have negative effects. Some of the negative effects of digital games in general and in the context of education are listed below:

Digital games have faced constant criticism for allegedly increasing aggression in children and developing a violent streak at an early age. In a study by Anderson and Bushman (2001), children involved in violent video games are more likely to have increased aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and lower positive social assistance. The use of weapons and the reward for violence is a cause for widespread concern.

Digital games can be addictive for children and make them physically inactive. Digital games, apart from social networks, reduce physical activity that leads to childhood obesity and postural and skeletal disorders.

It is also known that addiction to games makes children socially isolated. Impulsive behaviour, depression, and increased levels of anxiety are largely attributed to excessive play in children. Some studies also indicate that children who play games are unable to focus for longer periods of time and have fewer attention spans.


The good and the bad of gaming

Children tend to internalize socially unacceptable behaviour through some digital games, such as the use of swear words and abuse of the fair sex. The lack of adequate knowledge about examining online materials is a growing concern among parents.

Digital games are a barrier to better performance in academics. It is often found that students skip their homework to play games which leads to poor performance in school. Despite their reputation as advocates of violence and chaos, digital games have already been shown to help children learn the skills, content, and skills vital to the 21st century. 

From digital games, children can learn: content (from rich vocabulary to science to history), skills (from literacy to math to complex problem solving), artefact creation (from videos to program code), and systems thinking (how to Changing one element affects relationships as a whole). We summarize below the strong arguments for using digital games as educational tools in secondary education:

Digital games involve intense hand-eye coordination and improve motor and sensory skills. The sensory stimulation theory proposed by academic Laird (1985) claims that effective learning occurs when the senses are stimulated. While some studies show that digital games reduce attention span, there is strong evidence that focus improves for short periods of time. 

Digital gaming involves observing every detail, following the rules and reacting proactively to the given situation. Complex digital games help develop problem-solving and decision-making skills. Some games also include logical analysis of the situation, pattern recognition, improving rote memory and thus helping the cognitive process. Playing with rules teaches children to accept and respect certain levels of discipline.

Multiplayer digital games develop a sense of a constructive competitive position. Co-op games also enhance the team building attitude. They develop time management skills in the team and train players to work together to achieve the desired goals of both parties. They teach players to accept defeat as well as strive for better results. Digital games allow hyperactive children to channel energy into constructive system-based play. 

They also provide an outlet for aggression and frustration, thus helping to reduce tension. Some games also include physical activity, such as Nintendo Wii boxing, which helps children engage mentally and physically with children. Complex digital games involve a high level of multitasking and thus enhance the natural learning process of the brain. Brain-based learning theory proposes that multitasking is an activity rooted in the brain and that learning is enhanced by challenges at different levels. 

Digital games develop effective situational analysis and strategy making in children. Since the games have specific goals at each level and an end goal for the game, it teaches players to make short and long term strategies such as scoring points, saving energy and achieving the ultimate goal of the game. Simulation games and digital role-playing games help players gain experience or learn by experiencing replicas of real-world situations. The theories of experiential learning and action learning are based on the premise that individuals learn faster when they experience and actually engage in action.

"Games require the kind of thinking we need in the 21st century because they use actual learning as a basis for assessment. They test not only current knowledge and skills, but also the willingness to learn in the future. They measure the 21st. 21st century skills such as collaboration, innovation, production and design by tracking many different types of information about a student over time."

From digital games, children can learn: content (from rich vocabulary to science to history), skills (from literacy to math to complex problem solving), artefact creation (from videos to program code), and systems thinking (how to Changing one element affects relationships as a whole). Since the games have specific goals at each level and an end goal for the game, it teaches players to make short and long term strategies such as scoring points, saving energy and achieving the ultimate goal of the game. Simulation games and digital role-playing games help players gain experience or learn by experiencing replicas of real-world situations.


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What is the impact of digital games on the youth?

Increases memory, brain speed and concentration

Games that are immersive and require strategy and problem-solving skills to win require players to remember and take in a lot of information. Playing these types of games regularly can help improve short and long term memory of young players.

Do computer games have a positive or negative effect on children?

Video games can have a negative effect on a child's development. It is particularly concerned with aspects of violence, antisocial behavior and increased aggressive thoughts and feelings.

What is the effectiveness of digital educational games as learning tools?

Games have been proven to teach lower level intellectual skills and improve motor skills. DGBL is also able to understand established learning theories and models. Games are effective in supporting learning because they take place in a meaningful context [19].




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